Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to everyone! Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Nine lords are leaping, eight maids are milking, seven swans are swimming, six geese are laying....

There were seven geese but we're having one for dinner!


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I love to cook but have never had a goose. Is it good? Is it hard to cook?

  2. A very Merry Merry Merry Christmas!
    One merry each for Sister Mary Martha, Sister Aloyisus and Sister Mary Fiacre :) God bless you ladies.

  3. merry christmas, sister m.m. from sister mary alternative!
    i recently discovered your blog while searching for nun blogs to write about for the episcopal new yorker. while you are obviously not an episco-nun (as they don't terrorize children, they leave that to the r.c. nuns) i will definitely include your blog in my article. hope you get a chance to visit mine -

  4. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and have a great Festivus for the Rest of Us.

  5. shame on you! didnt jesus teach compassion? please go to

  6. I've had goose only once and found it awfully greasy. Anybody got any ideas on how to avoid this? (Aside from the Jesusveg site, I mean.


Hello! Pop quiz! Who is the saint of the day?
Give your answer in feet.