Monday, July 02, 2007

I Doubt It

Well, hello out there in cyber space. This is Sister Saint Aloysius. With Sister Mary Martha temporarily off to the humidity of the Midwest to help her wonderful family, she is not here to keep up with her column. I have a cheese souffle in the oven in honor of Saint Thomas' feast day so I better make it snappy.

Most of us think of St Thomas as the Apostle who doubted everything and as you can see he is usually depicted in religious art poking his finger in Christ's wounds. Jesus was very patient. But, I wonder how patient most of us are on these hot summer days, with the temperatures soaring, strange bugs biting us and rashes festering in places too private to mention. Do you find yourself flying off the handle? This is the time when we have to put ourselves in check. Offer up these little annoyances to the poor souls simmering in Purgatory. Do we find ourselves doubting Jesus loves us because we are sweating buckets and the air conditioning is on the fritz? Wasn't Our Savior a little clammy wandering around the desert in the 140 degree heat in that floor length biblical caftan? Lucky for Him it wasnt polyester like this modern habit I have on. Ooops, speaking of patience, I impatiently peeked in the oven and my souffle has fallen. I hope the Altar Guild likes a big cheese pancake. I doubt it.


  1. Good to hear from you Sister Aloysius! If the Alter Guild doesn't like a big cheese pancake, perhaps you could give it to Bob. I'm sure he'd love it!

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Sister Saint Aloysius, you're doing a fine job...Don't fret the souffle...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you, SSA. This was exactly what I needed to hear. Pardon me while I go apologize to my beautiful wife with whom I was so impatient this morning.

  5. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Never announce you are making a souffle.
    Say you are making a surprise.
    If the souffle turns out......announce the souffle.
    If the souffle does not turn out.....announce a mousse.
    Problem taken care of.

  6. Thank you, Sister, for your enjoyable post! SMM left us in good hands!
    Happy 4th, Debbie

  7. Anonymous9:46 PM

    I've never tried a souffle. I'm not sure I can even spell it, so maybe I shouldn't try one. I'd like to try Rattatoulle now that I've seen the movie, but I can't spell that either. If it falls does it change the flavor of the souffle?

  8. A big cheese pancake would really hit the spot right now...

  9. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I'd eat it. It sounds delicious.


Hello! Pop quiz! Who is the saint of the day?
Give your answer in feet.