Thursday, February 14, 2008

In Between Cookies

Happy St. Valentine's Day! Be sure and put that SAINT in front of your greetings today, while you are eating heart shaped cookies and cupcakes and those little tiny candy things with words on them.

SAINT Valentine.


  1. Dear Sister Mary Martha:

    What do you think is the appropriate response for someone snottily saying, "I'll pray for you!" when in a disagreement? I was thinking a sincere, "Thank you, I can sure use them." But, you're pretty clever and maybe you have something better?

  2. Sister Mary Martha
    Happy St Valentines Day

  3. Does anyone know the actual NAME of the soap mentioned in the last few posts? Apparently everyone watches it but me, and googling "soap opera plane crash" or "I'm yer mooder" just leads to problems!

    P.S. Pinning bay leaves to your pillow makes your hair smell funny.

  4. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Days of Our Lives has been on a gazillion years. It, like all soaps, is crap.

  5. Happy belated Sts. Cyril and Methodius Day!


Hello! Pop quiz! Who is the saint of the day?
Give your answer in feet.