Saturday, August 30, 2008

Big Brother and also Big Sister and Big Father

I have a great idea. A new reality show. We follow a group of girls one season and a group of guys the next season and we see who makes it all the way to be a nun or a priest.

Someone else will have to take the ball and run with it. Maybe I can go pitch it over at EWTN.

I'm just feeling a bit giddy because of our nun non contest. We've only had two entries so far, but they are such DOOZIES. Shall we post them as they come in? Or shall we wait until we have most of them, or wait until the end?

We still don't have an official name or an official deadline. We haven't even decided if we are having a deadline. "Even Jesus has a deadline, " I told Sister St. Aloysius. "Just because we don't know when it is, doesn't mean there isn't one."

Email us with your favorite nuns:

And please tell your friends about our no contest.


  1. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Sister - I really like your idea for a reality series in which we follow a group of girls to see if they become nuns or a group of guys to see if they become priests.

    Instead of alternate seasons, I'd like one show an 1 hour long with each group.

    Perhaps it could be set up to alternate the groups throughout the show.

    Interestingly, I watched a similar show back in 2006 on the Arts & Entertainment (A&E) network called "God or the Girl" .

    Here is the link:

    It was about This five-part documentary series follows four young men through the emotionally wrenching final weeks that lead up to the most important decision of their lives - whether to become Catholic priests or not.

    So, it's been done successfully before and had a wide appeal.

    Hopefully, someone would pitch it to EWTN and/or A&E as I believe the idea has merit.

    Kazimer - "Kaz"

  2. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Great idea sister, but I have to burst your bubble. "God or the Girl" was an A&E "reality show" production about 6 (?) young American lads who were discerning the priesthood. It was good - when it wasn't sappy! Anyway, I don't know if there was a "God or the Boy" follow up... Anyway, yours will probably be way better!

  3. Anonymous8:05 PM

    I'm in favor of waiting until the end to see all the pictures at once.

    As to your reality show idea, it's been done. It was called God or the Girl and it wasn't bad.

  4. I'm currently trying to find a picture of the nun who helped my future mother-in-law through the tough times in her life. This was a good 20 years ago and I'm having trouble finding a picture. Is there some kind of nun database in which I could look up the former nuns in the Stockton, Calif. area?

    On a totally unrelated topic, (unrelated, as in not "nun-related"), is it a sin to believe in the paranormal? Are things like Bigfoot and Atlantis and the Loch Ness Monster frowned upon by the church? What about angel sightings and so-called demonic posessions? Is it wrong to pursue a curiousity about such topics?

    I'm a huge x-files fan, and, when I'm not praying for the speedy recovery of Mr. David Duchovny, I like to ponder all those spooky topics addressed in the show. However, as a Catholic, I want to make sure I'm not crossing some kind of line. My belief in the paranormal is nowhere near as deep or as full as my belief in the Gospels - I almost use the word 'belief' in the wrong context - but I want to make sure that my - shall we say "interest" - in such topics isn't leading me down the wrong path or making me unpleasing in the eyes of God.

    Any ideas?

  5. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I'm with you. I find all of the supernatural fascinating but it almost acts to cement my faith in God and the Church. I find the demonic possession topic especially interesting....from a distance. I think I'm most interested in the exorcist's position in that regard. I am also interested in finding out if it's ok to have this interest and not conflict with Church teachings.

  6. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I know what I'm going to send in! I'd like to see a few photos a day. It'll be uplifting and pride building on a continuing basis. It will also help folks keep thinking about the wonderful things our religious folks have done for us throughout the centuries. Those in the religious life are truly God's gift to the church. We need to continue to be thankful--not just take them for granted. Thank you sister Mary Martha, and please thank Sister A and Sister Fiacre too, for giving your lives to us as well as to God!


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