Friday, November 28, 2008


Normally I wouldn't put on my Santa hat just yet, but this year, with the everyone as poor as St. Francis of Assisi, I thought maybe people would need a little extra time to manage the gifty end of the season.

I am on the case!

If you are at a loss for a wonderful, personal, one of a kind, yet wildly inexpensive gift look no further! What better gift than your own personal patron saint? Head over to our little shop and scroll through nearly 80 different saints and items.

Our motto: There really is a patron saint for everything. Nurses, people who make their own birthday cards (St. John of God), mothers of teens (St. Monica), people who are annoyed by they annoying habits of others (St. Therese the Little Flower), crazy people (St. Dympha), fireworks fans (St. Barbara), pirates (St. Vincent de Paul). Really, everything.
Each of our patron saints comes with a holy card that we've made ourselves with the story of the saint. Even non-Catholics love them. I know this because I just made up a custom order of saints on our new stretchy bracelets for a Jewish lady. She was especially insistent that her order include the saint stories. "Of course it does," I told her.

I was very tickled that she now is aware of these stories.

We have coin holders with the Infant of Prague attached. The Infant of Prague is invoked for financial stability. We thought it would be a fine idea to put a little medal on one of those little squeezy coin purses (in a variety of colors) since God helps those who help themselves by hanging on to their loose change.

We have clips and zipper pulls, necklaces and bracelets, keychains and mousepads.

Merry Christmas! Ho! Ho! Ho!

Now that I'm done with my own shameless self promotion, let me point your attention to a little corner of my sidebar, which has been sitting over there for months begging for your eye.

A few months ago the author of this book contacted me and sent me a copy of his book. I have had it over there waving at you ever since. This wonderful book would make a great Christmas gift.

It is three stories in one. It is the story of an Italian family, half of whom immigrated to the United States and never looked back and the other half who remained in a tiny town in Italy never to see their long lost relatives again.

It is the story of a saint, how that man became a saint, what it takes to become a saint and how the church sets about the canonization process.

It is the story of one man's personal journey back to the Faith after the tragic death of his brother, for whom no miracles occurred.

Justin Catanoso found the Catholic Church, his giant Italian family and his cousin the saint. He wrote a wonderful interesting, funny, poignant, informative story. Miracles do happen.

It's a book you'll want to read yourself and pass on. I really couldn't put the book down. It's a real page turner. Just go to my sidebar and click on the green box. Some of you were looking for gift ideas for clergy or nuns. Here you go. Don't be stupid, buy two.

Happy Black Friday! Happy Cyber Monday!


  1. Dear Sister:

    On the subject of Saints, I have two questions about St. Margaret of Scotland.

    I'm a convert to Catholicism, and as I have no middle name I had the opportunity to choose my Saint. After reading through a book on the lives of the Saints, I was struck by the fact that St. Margaret is known for having a happy marriage and doing needlework (in addition to bringing the faith to Scotland); unlike virgin martyrdom, this is something I can aspire to!

    Since making this choice, however, I have had the very devil of a time finding anything with St. Margaret on it. My research indicates that she is more well-known in the Anglican faith, but I figure that a Saint's a Saint, right?

    Second question, do you have any St. Margaret of Scotland medallions?

    I enjoy your blog and your sense of humor. Thank you,

  2. We don't have your St. Margaret. When we can't find a medal we sometimes do a custom piece like this one:

  3. Anonymous11:40 PM

    I have a patron Saint question as well. Is there a Patron Saint for poets? especially for ones suffering from lack of inspiration? I would like to pray a novena to one but the only one that comes to mind is John of the Cross. Thanks.

  4. St. Cecelia and St. Brigid of Ireland are the patron saints of poets. If you are looking for someone who suffered from a lack of inspiration, I'd go with Mother Teresa.

  5. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Is there a patron saint for helping a young woman find a husband? I find that all the guys I meet are just lokiing for "fun" I am 25 and would like to meet a serious who will love me.

  6. St. Ann and St. Agnes for the manhunters. St. Agnes in particular. Do a little search for her on the blog and you'll find out that info.

    I can't find anything on St. Nicole, either other than that she is the patron saint for lost family members. There has to be a story there.

  7. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Thank you. I will do that.

  8. Sister,

    Do you have a San Benito medal? My Catholic husband has always felt accompanied by him. I love your Etsy store! The descriptions make me laugh.

  9. Sister,

    Do you have a medal for San Benito? My Catholic husband says he has always felt accompanied by that saint.
    Thanks for the gift suggestions!

  10. This St. Benito?

    No, I don't. Sometimes St. Benedict is called St. Benito. I have him.

  11. Sorry for the multiple posts! Thought I had messed it up.

    Yes, that's him (in the link).


  12. wow that sounds like a really interesting book

  13. Anonymous11:45 PM

    St. Brigid, cool! figures the patron saint of poets would be Irish :) thanks!

  14. Sister, I have to tell you that the coin purse and the Matt Talbot church key chain went over big at the last birthday gift.

    God Bless and thank you for offering such cool items and pithy explainations.


Hello! Pop quiz! Who is the saint of the day?
Give your answer in feet.