Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Fine Kettle of Fish

"Well!" as Jack Benny was fond of saying. We've had our own version of Lenten sacrifice and no end of suffering because of our little malware warning problem.

I know it really has nothing to do with math, but as a girl, the very sight of a math problem could cause my eyes to fill with tears. And solving this problem involved scouring the entire site for html code embedded in html code for more than three years of blog posts. Only my own steely determination to offer it up got me through the horror and tedium of finding that our little convent on the internet had been flagged as 'unsafe'.

I think my gasp upon discovering that that was happening caused all the air to be sucked out of the room. As the days wore on, even the eighth grade boys, who were able to identify the problem, were unable to devise a solution.

But, God love them, they were able to find an angel who fixed the whole thing in record time. He wasn't really an angel. Angels are not people. They are not even dead people. Dead people who live in heaven are saints, not angels, no matter how many people refer to their dearly departed Grandma as "an angel in Heaven." Angels are a different entity than human beings, created by God to adore Him and help people out.

Which is what made this gentleman angel "like". He certainly did help us out.

And just in time for Holy Week! Tomorrow is Holy Thursday! How excited are we? In a sad sort of way.

Oddly enough, I experienced for the very first time a Seder meal with a Jewish family. That's timely, because if I am following in the Footsteps of Our Lord, Holy Thursday was Passover and the Last Supper was indeed a Seder meal.

The New Testament doesn't say anything about any children being present, so I take it there weren't any, but a Seder dinner is a very 'child friendly' ritual, in which the children are encouraged to ask questions about what is going on around them. They play a 'hide the matzoh' game and the child who finds the matzoh wins a prize. There are ritual questions asked by people identified as "The Wicked Child", "The Wise Child", "The Youngest Child" and...I forgot the other one. The were four.

We didn't have any children present at our dinner, either, so I was identified as "The Wise Child", which is much better than being identified as "The Wise Cracker" or "The Wisenhymer".

And since we were encouraged to ask questions, and I was there, we were there for hours. The whole thing takes hours, anyhow, so it wasn't all my fault. The truth is, I had many more questions, but I kept my control knobs on.

The dinner was delicious and I did feel some guilt for enjoying such a treat in this, the Holiest week of Lent. I didn't make a pig of myself.

It was, however, very enlightening, and very moving, to experience what Jesus was actually doing on Holy Thursday, celebrating how His people had been saved by the blood of the lamb.

No wonder the apostles had so many questions!


  1. Oh good, Sister. Now I can add your link back to the sidebar on my blog.

  2. Sister Mary Margaret10:45 PM

    Blessed Easter to you, Sister, and to all of your faithful readers!

  3. Dear Sister: Are you for real? Or, are you actually a middle aged, under-employed, over paid, female (or male) executive with too much time or their hands. For such a "worldly" nun, I would assume your range and passions would far surpass dusting pews...and your "fav" lists would include more than the Vienna Choir and "Song of Bernadette" -- come up...give it up. But do love your blog!

  4. First, thanks so much for looking into the 'malware' thing. If good can come of it, it did as I was compelled to put a pile of security programs on my PC. In a hurry!

    Second, I was privileged to participate in a Seder a few years back with our combined RC and Protestant chapels. It was lovely and it really seemed to me and many others that this was a worthwhile and educational ecumenical opposed to, say, going bowling together or having the Protestants invite us for a social on Good Friday...

    But our Bishop said we (the RCs) cannot have seders any more. Maybe because we did not have any Jewish people present?

    But we can still go bowling. Sigh

  5. Paige7:22 PM

    Sister I hope you are well! I miss your posts!


Hello! Pop quiz! Who is the saint of the day?
Give your answer in feet.