Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Couple of Tough Cookies

My sister is looking for a patron saint for a girl who is outdoorsy and athletic. I can't think of any - can you help? Thanks!

You can't think of any? 

I can't say I blame you. The list of girls who became saints is as long as everyone's arms sewn together. It would take you days to check out what every single person did. Weeks, maybe.

That's why I'm here! And I'm happy to help.

But I can't think of anyone more outdoorsy and athletic than St. Joan of Arc. To begin with, she was peasant girl.  They didn't have grocery stores and washing machines. They didn't have sewing machines or refrigerators. From dawn til duck, a peasant would be growing and making food, repair broken things, feeding animals and building fires.

So right out of the gate, St. Joan is no couch potato.

But then, she receives visions and hears the voices of saints and Michael the Archangel telling her to mount up and lead the French Army. She did that. And she fought in battles and was shot with an arrow. When she miraculously survived, she impressed the helmets off her soldiers.

I would call that athletic and outdoorsy, wouldn't you?  I'll bet she spent an enormous amount of time camping.

I read with great interest your article on Venerable Matt Talbot. At least I think he is a Venerable. I see you have him as a "Blessed" which means he did one miracle after his death. What was that miracle? He needs two to become a Saint. Nevertheless, I am looking for the official website for the Cause of the Cannonization of Ven. Matt Talbot. I have had no luck in finding such. Can anyone help?

Oops. My bad. He is indeed Venerable. No miracles for him just yet.  But yes, I think I can head you in the right direction.  Got there and type "Matt Talbot" in the search bar. From there the links will take you in circles.

But don't despair! There is an address. So you can write. You can also follow all the links. You haven't mentioned why you're trying to track it down. Do you have a Matt Talbot miracle to report?

I hope so! The last attempt was rejected by the Vatican as a miracle. I don't know what it was, so obviously, I don't know why it wasn't a miracle. 

Meanwhile here is a great rundown of everything you need to know about saint making:


  1. Too bad the Vatican doesn't consider all those alcoholics who are sober with the help of Matt Talbot's intercession to be miracles...I can assure you their families do!

  2. Who would be the patron saint of recycling or "up-cycling?" Also who is the patron saint of thrift stores (other than the saint my thrift store is named after?) For the record, St. Louise Thrift Store is my work place, and St. Louise is really great at interceding for us, our volunteers and customers. Sometimes too much. But thank-you, St. Louise! (I don't need any more tupperware right now.)

  3. Sister, probably more than anyone else out there who owns a computer, I've made my share of "typos". But you made my day with the phrase "from dawn till duck!" I can barely stop laughing long enough to thank you for putting some humor into my otherwise dreary day!

  4. What is the best way to choose a name/patron saint for your unborn child? I suppose there is a better way than just choosing the name you like best! Do you have any thoughts, Sister?

  5. DianeD11:12 AM

    This is off topic, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to ask a question without posting a comment to a previous question/blog/answer. Anyway, it is now 2013 and in the 2010 (I think) the language of the Roman Mass was changed, which I think is really nice (still stumble over the Creed, "And with Your Spirit" and a few others - hey, I am 54, and it's going to take a long time to memorize this new stuff.) I digress. I found at home a 1963 (or at least Post Vatican II) St. Joseph's Daily Missal. Can I still use this for daily scripture readings and I am not sure if it comports with the now current Roman Mass. I would tend to think yes, because I am using the Missal to "talk" to God, and I don't think he would mind if I use an older version of a prayer in private devotions. So, do I need to buy a more current Daily Missal?

  6. Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, "Lily of the Mohawks", would have spent most of her life outside.

  7. Monica9:20 PM

    Thanks! I love St Joan, we just had her feast day, and I still didn't connect in my brain. Kateri is a good choice too. I love reading your recommendations.

  8. Anonymous8:57 PM

    @DianeD it was Advent 2011; my mom had a stroke the day after my parish had a lecture on the new translation. Your old St. Joseph's Missal is just fine.


Hello! Pop quiz! Who is the saint of the day?
Give your answer in feet.