Wednesday, November 13, 2013

If You Don't See It, Ask

Comments often turn up on older posts as people dip into the archives. Hooray for archives!  I think I am becoming one big archive. Just yesterday I was trying to explain to a child that the telephone used to be attached to the wall.  I'm not sure he knew what I meant by  "TELEphone".  

I digress.

This comment turned up on a post about patron saints.

I'm not catholic but all this has me thinking, cause I'm facing some big problems and not sure how to tackle what I'm up against.

This is a great opportunity to plug the shop. We make a great Christmas gift!  A personally picked patron saint. 

St. George Patron Saint of Dragon Slayers

You can go to the shop and browse. If you don't see the saint you want, or you don't know the saint you want, send us a note and we'll match you up with the perfect saint or saints.  We can put your hand painted medal on a necklace, a bracelet or a keychain. 

Some saints are not available on those little medals, though. But not to fear! We can put any saint at all on a glass pendant.

Maybe you have a whole laundry list of things for which you need prayers from Heaven.  We can make you a charm bracelet style item with as any saints as you like.

Just drop us a note either here or at the shop. You'll see on the right side of the page a blue box that says "request custom order". Click there. That opens a little conversation dialogue and we can chat about which saints are a good match for you.

Each item comes neatly packaged with our own "holy card" story of your saint, written by yours truly.

We're stocking up on supplies for what we hope will be our Christmas rush!  After Thanksgiving we'll put our Santa hats on.

And for the separated brethren who need the explanation of patron saints one more time, here goes: Yes, we ask saints to pray for us. We do not pray TO saints. We ask them to pray for us just like you might ask me to pray for you or I might ask you to pray for me. We feel a special bond with our patron saints because they are chosen because they have some affinity with our troubles and cares. So get on the bandwagon!

To help you with that we also have booklets.


  1. Danielle4:04 AM

    Hello! I have a question about the rosary. What is the point of making specific rosaries associated with a saint? Such as having a rosary with the charm of a saint on that middle connecting piece (I'm not sure what that is called). Are you supposed to be asking them to pray the rosary with you or is it just to be reminded of a saint you like or something along those lines?

  2. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Dear Sister,
    I have hit on an explanation to our separated brethren that seems to hit the mark more often. Instead of saying we pray "to" saints or ask saints to pray "for" us, I tell them I ask the saints to pray "with" me which involves my own participation in petitioning the Father for my needs or those of a loved one. That brings up "wherever two or more are gathered in my name" and the whole "we are one Body" discussion without me starting on the defensive.


Hello! Pop quiz! Who is the saint of the day?
Give your answer in feet.