Friday, July 04, 2008

The Feast of St. Thomas

Happy Fourth of July. St. Thomas must be very happy you are celebrating his feastday. Please don't blow your fingers off.
--Sister Mary Martha


  1. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Not to be picky, Sister, but St. Thomas was yesterday, July 3. Today is St. Catherine of Siena.

  2. Anonymous7:13 AM

    My comment hasn't gone up yet, but I meant Elizabeth of Portugal. I have no idea how I got them confused.

  3. Happy 4th, Sister! Thanks for that supremely awesome link!

  4. Anonymous8:13 AM

    It's also the feast day of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati :)

  5. I'm so confused. Who's feast day is it?

  6. Anonymous10:30 AM

    We’re coming up on the feast of St. Maria Goretti, who died defending herself from rape. Here is a description of how she died and after death converted her attacker:

    And here is a story I like to think of as “The Avengers of Maria Goretti:”

    This was widely covered at the time but no one commented on the connection with St. Maria Goretti’s story. I wonder whether the girls from the school named for her, knew how she’d died.

  7. great site!! happy fourth : )

  8. Sister, I hope you don't mind my asking a question here, but I have a saintly question of my own, regarding my favorite saint, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

    Do you know anything about Our Lady of the Airways? There is a Catholic chapel in Boston's Logan Airport (run by the Archdiocese, so I am assuming it's legit) with that name, and another in the Toronto area. I haven't been able to find anything about her on the Internet.

    Thank you!

    Patrick Hayes


Hello! Pop quiz! Who is the saint of the day?
Give your answer in feet.