Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Nun Match

I have been having a good time perusing my ads. Someday someone will send me a check for a dollar. It's been worth it to me to have them on there for the information I'm getting by reading them myself. You may recall that I had a question last week or so about vocations. In particular the poor girl was asking me what order she might join.

I feel her pain. It's one thing to think you have a calling. It's another thing to find an order. There are hundreds and hundreds of orders. The Little Sisters of the Poor. The Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. The Sisters of Reparation. The Faithful Companions of Jesus. The Sisters of Reparation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Sorrowful Sisters of the Weeping Nuns.

Women Uplifting Women. Heard of them? Me, either.

Where do you start? When I started, I just went to the order down the block from me. I didn't really know there were more than five or six orders after the big four: Notre Dame, Carmelite, Benedictine, Augustinian. I knew about the Sisters of Charity. I knew about the Poor Clares. I think that was it for me. Check out this list of nuns. (You have to scroll down a bit, unless you want to read all about nuns. That's fine, too. I'll wait.)

I felt very bad not being able to really touch this:
The Thank you for your help with my question. I wanted to figure out how you find orders that are a good match for you, but I don't know how.

But now I at least know where to steer you! One of those ads said "Learn About Being a Nun". You know I just had to have a look at that.

What I didn't expect: A nun matching!

I should have known there would be something like that. Consider that there are these things. I can find out what type of animal I am. An animal matching. What earthly good is this?

What animal are you?

Really? I can't recall ever chasing down an elderly gazelle. I am tough, though, I'll give them that.

Why in the world would anyone ever even think to put together a quiz that answers the burning question, "What Kind of Coffee Are You?"

You are a Black Coffee

At your best, you are: low maintenance, friendly, and adaptable

At your worst, you are: cheap and angsty

You drink coffee when: you can get your hands on it

Your caffeine addiction level: high

This is way off. I take milk in my coffee. I prefer it to cream. I'll skip coffee altogether if it's black. I'll also skip it if the only whitener is that powder stuff. I never did like it and then a long time ago one of the seventh grade girls put a match to some of it at the Ladies of Charity card party and it went up like flash powder. Don't ask me why she did that. Because she was 12? Anyhow, I'm not about to put gun powder in my coffee when I don't even like the taste of it. I suppose if it actually made the coffee better, I might drink it with some gun powder in it.

I am cheap. I have to be. I am not angsty. I don't think angsty is a word. Someone who drinks too much coffee clearly made it up. I only drink coffee in the morning. I have one large cup. The end.

Hopefully this nun matching site will do a better job. For one thing, the questions actually make sense.

The only problem I had was the virtual nun who guides you through the survey. Sister Nohabitofanykind. I don't even think she had a crucifix on. Who ever heard of a nun not wearing a crucifix? I know we got rid of the giant rosaries years ago, but no crucifix? If you're not going to have a giant rosary, the least you can do is sport a pretty decent size crucifix. When we had the giant rosary, we still had a decent size crucifix, too.

She's friendly at least.

I came up with about seven matches, one being my actual order. That was happy news. I'm glad to find I am not a black coffee lion nun in cream and two sugars giraffe convent. Narrowing the nuns down from three thousand to seven is very helpful information.

The site also matches up priests and brothers. There is a virtual priest or brother. I didn't take a look at him. Wonder if he's Father Nocollar. Brother Izodshirt.


  1. Very interesting!

  2. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Thank you very much for your help!
    - That dopey vocation question girl. :D

  3. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Those discerning a vocation might like to browse the website of the wonderfully faithful-to-the-Magisterium Institute on Religious Life --http://www.religiouslife.com/--which has links to both men’s and women’s orders. Reams of valuable information there, including a survey for testing one’s vocation. {The members of most, if not all, the linked orders wear habits/clerics/collars and, yes, even crucifixes!}

    Thanks for a great blog—

  4. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Hi Sister,
    I realize you might not have much control over the ads on your site. However, I was a bit surprized to see the one hawking the "aggressive" divorce attorney! I hadn't even finished my cup of gun powder coffee when I saw that. I thought that one must have slipped in without your notice somehow.

    Anyhow, thanks for all your wonderful posts, and Happy July 4th!

  5. Anonymous4:57 PM

    "Brother Izodshirt"

    once again, your blog has sent me into fits of hysterical laughter.

    thank you :)

  6. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Wow! That nun-crossing sign is from my daughter's high school, Georgetown Visitation in DC. The good sister pictured (a real monastery-dwelling nun, actually) passed away last year. She was quite a character, a local legend known for her wisdom and practicality.

  7. The community of the nun on the sign, the Georgetown Visitation Monastery, has a blog called “Live + Jesus!” (www.livejesus.blogspot.com). They have a wonderful community—I think it would be a great place to visit for a young woman starting to discern religious life.

  8. Sister, thank you for this post about vocations! My almost-7 year old daughter is talking about being a nun. I know things could change, she's so young, but they may not. She's not as mercurial as most.
    I was going to ask what kind of education one needs to become a nun. I know if you're going into a teaching or nursing order you need that school first, but what if you're a contemplative or cloistered order?
    I'll check these other recommended websites, too. Thanks so much!

  9. Anonymous6:26 AM

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