Meanwhile a comment from a reader about the "Superheroes".

In my opinion.
Dressing up how?
While I can see your point, I can't really agree. Perhaps if I hadn't had to listen to so many comments about what nuns wear or do not wear over the years....

"Nuns and priests should always be identifiable, like policeman and ....well, policemen."
Now, I can understand that sentiment. So the same thing can be said of these do-gooders. Their outlandish outfits identify them as people who are there to help. Like policemen. Or nuns. The whole reason the Pope wears that tall hat is so that you can pick him out of a crowd.
My beef with the need of some folks to see habits and collars is that it seems like when they say they want to be able to spot the avowed spouses of the Church, what they mean is that they don't want to be caught misbehaving, or swearing or being unkind and gossipy because they didn't realize the guy they were having a cocktail with was a priest or the lady they cut in front of to steal a parking space was a nun.
To them I say, "Behave yourself!" That way you won't have a problem no matter what anyone around you is wearing. This includes the beach.
Is St. Catherine of Siena or St. Catherine of Sweden the patroness of preventing miscarriages? and why? I've seen both, and while it's possible they both are, the names make me think someone mixed it up somewhere.
No, it is both of them, but I don't know why St. Catherine of Sweden wound up in that category. I've actually been on the case trying to find out and I've come up empty. That means the reason may well be that a prevention of a miscarriage has been attributed to each her, ala St. Gerard.
St. Gerard is the patron saint of childbirth because he forgot his hanky. He left it at someone's house and then, later, while a young woman was having a very difficult and dangerous labor, somebody in the house remembered Gerard's hanky was there and gave it to the young woman to hold. Mother and baby did fine, as they say.

St. Catherine of Siena's mother had had 22 children (half of them had died) when she gave birth to twins in while in her forties. Catherine's twin didn't live long, but Catherine became one of only three women "Doctors of the Church".
My comment - maybe I mis-read the post about Superheroes, I understood it to be referring to the fact that these people donned fancy dress costumes in order to do their Good Deeds.
That's what i thought was ostentatious and unnecessary.
But if I miscontrued, apologies!
Sister Mary Martha, my husband has a question. He says, "My brothers and I were raised Catholic and one is now a professed atheist. I pray for his conversion everyday. We were talking yesterday about the subject of free will. I told him that God created us with free will and intellect. However, he states that we do not have a free will because if God is all knowing and all powerful,then God knows what we are going to do before we do it and therefore there is no free will because everything is laid out in front of him already. I wasn't sure how to respond except to tell him that we have free will and that God knows our choices. Can you help me with a better response?
Perhaps the person who said St. Androew of Scot was trying to give the saint of the day. Who today is St. Raymond Nonnatus, BTW. Don't know about the feet.
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