St. Louise, the one who went off to the crusades? There are several St. Louises.
The person who springs to mind is St. Francis of Assisi. He and his brothers just begged for everything they had and had to repair and reuse whatever they had. St. Francis began his career as a begging brother by trading clothes--the fancy clothes he was wearing at the moment--with a beggar on the road. Francis' father, who was a wealthy cloth merchant, was super aggravated with this wacky move. When Frances came home in his beggar get up, his father ordered him to remove it at once.
Which the ever obedient Francis did. He walked off naked into the sunset. Which means he had to go beg up some other clothes. And blankets and pots and pans and whatever else he needed at any given moment.
He probably couldn't have used some tupperware.
I would also consider St. John of God, who begged up a whole hospital, from the building itself to every mattress and bedpan.
What is the best way to choose a name/patron saint for your unborn child? I suppose there is a better way than just choosing the name you like best! Do you have any thoughts, Sister?
If the name you like best is Blotsnefad, yes, there would be a better way. Of course I have thoughts!
1. If it's a girl, Mary. You can't do better than that.
2. If it's a boy, we like Joseph and John, but go for a great patron saint name.
3. If there's no saint with the name you like, find a new one.
4. Consider what happens to the name when it's shortened. You might love the name Nathaniel, but everyone is going to call that kid "Nat". That's great for Nat King Cole. But for the rest of us, it sounds like a pesky bug. You don't want your kid to go through life with the name of a pesky bug.
I've always felt like you should have a few names in mind and then take a look at that kid before you pick one. You don't think, "I' m going to get a dog and name it Rex!" You get the dog and take a look at it and choose a name. Why would you do less for your kid? But that's just me.
I also advise against telling anyone any names you are considering because there will always be someone who doesn't like that name for reasons only they can fathom, but the distaste shows ever so briefly in their eyes and you will feel weird and second guess yourself and flounder into calling the kid "Blotsnefad". Keep your names to yourself. Everyone will coo over the baby no matter what horrible name you've chosen.
Of course, you won't choose a horrible name. It's a girl and you'll call her Mary.