Luckily, Catholics get to have a drink:
On a business trip, one of the reps from another district got a little tipsy and told me I was alright, and I wouldn't be "left behind". He was crying. He must worry terribly about people not getting caught up in the rapture, but I heard the whole rapture idea was made up by a guy in Ireland in the 1850s. I didn't know what to say to him. Any ideas?Also, I need a patron saint for my mom who just got moved from a nursing home she loved(by my nutty sister)to a new one, which is nice but unfamiliar to this 92 year old, saint of a woman. Also a patron for me to pray to so I can find a place in my heart for my sister who I'm furious with today. I refuse to become a bitter old lady by harboring resentments over time!Question 3(sorry!)I said the Luminous Mysteries today and wonder what they mean by "Proclamation of the Kingdom". What do I meditate about during this mystery? Thanks for your help Sister!Your poor friend. He's concerned that you'll be
LEFT BEHIND. That's nice of him. Isn't he concerned that
he'll be drunk when the rapture occurs, since he seems to think we are living in

Real quick, just in case there is someone living under a rock who doesn't know what someone means when they speak of
"The Rapture": at the end of the world when Jesus comes back in what is known as "The Second Coming", all the true believers are taken bodily into heaven. Zap. I once saw a bummer sticker that said, "when the rapture occurs, this car will be without a driver."
I digress.
For the record The Catholic Church does not believe in
"The Rapture".
This idea that certain people will simply disappear, leaving behind their clothes for rest of us sinners to wash and fold, did not
start with the Irishman to whom you refer. But John Nelson Darby is responsible for the popularity of the idea. His book and ideas spawned best sellers that have spawned all sorts of fanciful stories of planes crashing because the pilot disappears in the
Rapture and families are torn asunder when Mom and son fly up to heaven and Dad and daughter are left behind to fight over whose turn it is to do dishes. Horses are riderless, groceries go unscanned, people are left hanging on the phone with no one on the other end, cars, buses and trains crash, and the pharmacist never fills your prescription. Ever. Because he flew up to heaven and left his white coat and glasses on the floor at Walgreen's.

The thing that not many people talk about is that the
Rapture people (like your tipsy friend) don't agree on when the
Rapture will happen or rather which
version of the
Rapture is correct. First, there is the
Rapture where Jesus comes back and people fly to heaven leaving their pile of clothes and
then the world goes on in chaos for a while and then Jesus comes back
again and
then the world ends. Then there is something called the
mid-Rapture, or something like that where
the Rapture comes after Jesus comes back again but before the final curtain. I think. There is yet another timetable for the
Rapture that I can't remember anything about, if it's before or after the mid-
Rapture. And then there is a
Rapture that comes just all at the end.
I don't see how anyone can bother calling
that last one
Rapture. That's just what happens at the end of time is all.
Everyone is joined up with their bodies and off they go, for better or for worse.
I can't find any Scripture to support the notion, unless perhaps one roams through Revelations on their own making up what they think it all means. Even's a stretch. I've read what got slapped up there as a scriptural reference. Sorry, don't see it.
What to tell him? "
Sober up, fella! Your thoughts on whether it's going to me you or me headed for heaven are erroneous in the first place. You pray for me and I'll pray for you. Deal?"
Patron saints for you, mom and nutty sister:
St. Dymphna, the patron saint of nutty people.
St. Vincent de Paul, patron saint of taking sweet care of the elderly.
St. Peter, anger management.
St. John the Baptist, a whole new life at any age.
This should help you with
the Luminous Mysteries.