In the first grade, they decided on some new fangled teaching technique to help children 'visualize' math. So, instead of learning to add and subtract, we all had an abacus. I loved that thing. The little round sliding circles looking like jewels or Life Savers, or Life Savers made of rubies and emeralds. It was so easy to do math.
By the end of the second grade they realized that none of us could add two and two without our sliding candy toys and we had to start all over.
Every other class of children lined up along the Communion rail to receive their First Holy Communion and we all so looked forward to doing what the grown-ups did. But no. They opened up the Communion rail and we marched up to the altar. The next year it went back to normal. Just us, the Guinea Pigs.
But we still got our Confirmation names! Apparently, that is no longer the case for many!
My Confirmation class (in 1997 or so) didn't deal with Confirmation Names. I don't know why we skipped them. My younger siblings' classes didn't use them either. But now, people from that church are the only people I know who were confirmed without a confirmation name.
Am I missing out? Is it kind of like finding your own patron saint, who you then have a special relationship with? Am I too late? I mean, obviously I'm too late to have a real confirmation name at this point. But I could still talk to a Saint about being extra good friends, couldn't I?
Poor dear. Did they give you and abacus, too?
I've heard this from quite a few readers. No Confirmation name. Booooooo!
It's never too late to pick a saint for yourself. Let's take a quick look at why we even have a Confirmation name in the first place.
When you are baptized, someone else has picked your name (we hope they picked well and didn't saddle you with "Tiffany" or "Dakota" or "Elmer"....or like my poor uncle "Elsworth Elmer") and stood up for you before God, choosing to have you join the Church.
Now you have decided for yourself to recommit yourself to become a "Soldier of Christ" and so you are going to pick your own name this time.
That's all. It's not rocket science.

"Church Militant (that's you), meet the Church Triumphant (the residents of Heaven)."
And people pick names for various reasons: a beloved relative had that name, they want the patronage of a certain saint or identify with the saint, or they just flat out like the name. It's all good.
So go right ahead and jump on the band wagon! Let us know who you pick! Inquiring minds want to know.
Another reader asks:
Also, is there an easy way to find your blog posts about specific saints. I was telling a friend about St. Joseph of Cupertino as patron saint of autism, and I thought there might be an easier way to find your postings versus scrolling backwards through them all and hoping it pops up.
Since I back reference to various saints all the time, searching the blog might not be helpful. Have you tried a Google search? I think if you type in the name of the saint plus Sister Mary Martha, you might be able to find what ever you're looking for. In any case, you'll find plenty of references to St. Joseph Cupertino and you can just read it for yourself. I'm always surprised people ask me about saints that they could just go look up.
Not that I mind. It's my favorite thing to do anyhow, and often people are asking about a problem that doesn't have a proper saint or the saint fit of the assigned saint is...well, St. Cecilia, case in point. Love to do a patron saint matching any time.
Which brings me to:
Sister, is there a patron Saint for Catholics with no sense of humor?
Of course there is! St. Lawrence was a real cut up and his sense of humor was not appreciated. Went over like a lead balloon. He's having the last laugh in Heaven.