Am I at the computer? I must be, because I see letters appearing on the screen. I finally understand what people are talking about when they say they've had an 'out of body' experience, and I don't mean the heavenly ecstasies of the saints.
Sister Nicolas has returned, a human blur of activity. The last time she arrived, I was out of town and it was Sister St. Aloysius who welcomed her to our tiny convent. I actually never really saw them in action together. I can't imagine what went on there. If there was a way to hook up Sister St. Aloysius' nervous energy and Sister Nicolas' actual energy, we could power Los Angeles.
Or the earth would blow up.
One of those two things, definitely.
Is a Saint the ‘patron saint’ of something because it is assumed from aspects of their life that they hold a special interest in it? Going by the fact that St Gomer is the patron saint of woodcutters and lumberjacks because “on his way out of town on one occasion he accidentally knocked down someone's tree” could mean that if I were to become a Saint (okay, I know I’m getting wild now – but go with me to make this question work) because I work in a law firm I could be the patron saint of lawyers, or people who work for law firms – but really, the last thing I like to think about on the weekend, let alone in Heaven, are law firms! (Hmm, maybe that could be a good starting point as to why I will never be a Saint!) What if St Gomer isn’t in the least bit interested in woodcutters and lumberjacks despite that one incident? Many thanks!
It's just too bad for you and for St. Gomer. I'm sure St. Blaise isn't all that interested in knitting, either. I'm sure the wool comb with which he was tortured is one of the last things he would like to think about, too.
But as you astutely point out, he is the saint here.

Truthfully, this is what interests me about my patron saint matching job. The whole idea of the patron saint is that we are looking for someone who understands our concerns. Personally, I believe that qualifies St. Gomer to be the patron saint of tree lovers, as he must have felt bad about destroying the trees and had to deal with the wrath of the tree lovers for that destruction. If he never gave a fig for a fig tree before, he was forced to pay attention to the whole tree situation.
And being a saint, he's already going to be sympathetic to the plight of any one with a plight.
St. Blaise is another kettle of fish. I'm okay with his being the patron saint of throat issues. He had an actual concern there. He worked a miracle in the throat department. It may have been a fluke that it happened to be a throat issue. But it's not going to cause him to say, "I have no further interest in throats."
But the wool comb thing. Poor St. Blaise. I'm sure he really would like to forget about that ordeal.

On the other hand, there in Heaven where there is no pain and even the memory of pain is pleasant, why should he care? He must be pleased to pray for the intercession of the people who are using the wool comb for it's actual intention, to comb wool.
I do think we might find a better patron saint for wool gatherers and knitters. Maybe St. Elmo, the patron saint of sailors, who has an appreciation for making a lot of knots. In a row. Until they become a sweater.
Or look at the example of St. Jude. He is the patron saint of impossible causes, not because he overcame the impossible himself, but because he wasn't busy there is heaven, thus giving him time to tackle the impossible in the hereafter.
Should you become a saint (and you will be a saint once you find yourself in Heaven) you can be the patron saint of people who have to deal with lawyers on a daily basis. You will be sympathetic to their plight with deep understanding.
You will feel no pain, a miracle in itself.
I picked St. Monica as my Patron Saint when I only had one child. Now I have five. I'm glad I picked her!! Nice to have a good Patron Saint in your hip pocket. Good to know that they are watching out for you. :)
Funny stuff, sister. Love you bunches!!
How do you know there's no memory of pain in heaven? Is that scriptural? Doesn't that contradict the idea of praying the 7 Sorrows. I think it's here on earth there's no real memory of pain. You remember the circumstances, events, how long it lasted, what you thought, how you reacted, etc. but I only remember the feeling of pain when I feel it again. How else could I be surprised by the intensity of labor pain the 5th time around? And that's when I really remembered what it felt like.
Sister, is there a patron saint of people who have trouble falling asleep at night?
I have a patron saint matching question. I am a stay at home mom of three wonderful kids. I was wondering if you could hep me find a patron saint who doesn't get many prayers. Saint Anne, Saint Monica, the Blessed Mother are always so busy and I would like to spend some time with someone who is not as well known and might like some company. Thank you so much!
Oh, I've always liked St. Blaise and I've always loved knitting, and never knew they went together. I'm so pleased to know! Thanks.
A friend of mine has this to say:
My patron saint is St. Grimonia. She is very obscure but I know she is mine and I love her dearly. She was the daughter of an Irish Chieftain in the late 4th century. At 12 years old she gave her life to Christ and took a vow of chastity. Her Father demanded that she marry and when she refused, he threw her in prison. But she escaped and lived as a hermitesse in the forest of Picardy in France. Eventually her father's men found her and again demanded she return with them to marry the man her father chose for her. When she refused they beheaded her. The site where she is buried has been the site of numerous miracles. I love her because she lived in the forest and saw God everywhere; in the trees, the sky, the animal and the stream. Although she lived a solitary life, she was never, ever alone.
I think this is a good neglected one that might be for you. :)
There is also Saint Odo. :)
Dear Sister,
I'm devoting the next year of my life to a collaborative art project in which I live according to the wishes of 52 other people (each person has one week). One of today's assignments was to write a letter to a nun, so here I am.
Found your blog very informative & entertaining-- I'm so glad I thought to google "Contact Sister Mary"-- & after seeing the etsy stuff! I think you have a new customer.
Question? Hmmm.
Would you like to schedule a week? So far, my participants are overwhelmingly secular (though I do have one rabbi & a spiritual writer). I'm holding a few spots open for interesting strangers, & I'd like to have more seriously religious people involved. To me, the project feels like a spiritual experiment as much as anything else & since discipline is a key component, I try to select people who lead very disciplined lives.
If you don't want to participate, could you recommend a good patron saint?
I wasn't a big believer in praying to patron saints, but I must admit when ever I lost something I would pray to St. Anthony, and I find what I lost within a day. (It usually was sitting right in front of me) So far, I haven't had to ask him to help me find my mind...yet.
Hi Sister,
I overheard somebody say that when you lose something you should turn a cup upside down and pray to St Anthony. Ofcourse I have heard of praying to St Anthony for lost things, but I never heard of turning a cup upside down. I asked her what the significance of the cup was, but she did not know. Do you have any idea what it means? Have you ever heard of this custom? I am just curious. I know you are busy, but if you happen to know please let me know. I can't figure it out.
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